Monday, October 8, 2012

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You?

Have you ever had a Scooby Doo/Shaggy moment? You know, those moments where you are constantly afraid something bad is going to happen, so you relish in your worry, but ultimately it all works out in the end; therefore, the worry and freak out session was completely unnecessary…I know I have had my fair share of Scooby moments where instead of just asking and praying for God to help me in the situation, I will worry and overanalyze EVERYTHING. Worry really is a waste of time. It’s like lying on the couch all day trying to figure out what you are going to do and never deciding; it gets you nowhere.

Every morning, I try to start my day by reading my Bible; additionally, I have gotten into the habit of praying prior to opening His Word and asking God to please direct me to what he wants me to read in order to let that Scripture speak to me. This past Sunday morning I opened up to Matthew 8:28-27 where Jesus calms the storm. The synopsis is that Jesus gets in a boat and heads out on the Sea of Galilee with the disciples, goes below deck to catch some Zs, a “Perfect Storm”-esqu monstrosity starts swirling and whirling the boat, and the disciples start to f-r-e-a-k out! They are running around screaming and yelling, “Save us!! We’re going to drown!” Jesus hears his disciples, wakes up from his slumber, and says (excuse my paraphrase), “Yo fellas, why are you wigging out? Where’s the faith? You know this storm is nothing compared to the power of God…come on now, calm yourselves.” Then, bada bing, bada boom, Jesus told the storm to stop, and stop it did.  

                After I read through this passage, I read through the footnotes in my study Bible and this part particularly stood out to me: “We often encounter storms in our life, where we feel God can’t or won’t work. When we truly understand who God is, however, we will realize that he controls both the storms of nature and the storms of the troubled heart. Jesus’ power that calmed this storm can also help us deal with the problems we face. Jesus is willing to help if we only ask him. We should never discount his power even in terrible trials.” As the words tumbled gracefully off the page and took ground within my mind and heart, I began to think of the metaphorical storms that happen in life. In fact, I began to think about how I have not only been hearing and feeling the wind, but the crash of the thunder, pelts of the hail, and flashes of lightning these past couple of months. I began to think of how I can often be like those disciples and as soon as the storms began to take root, I flail about with worry and get completely stressed out. While these thoughts swirled through my mind, I also began to think of how faithful God truly is, was, and will be. While, yes, these past few months have indeed been the most trying times in my life, I feel they have been some of the most revealing as well. For instance, I have seen the power of prayer come forth, I have seen God’s love in human form be not only placed next to me, but envelop me into feeling and knowing what it truly means to come alongside someone and be a comfort, a strength, and a provider. Furthermore, I have seen how relying on God and trusting in Him is the difference between moving forward or giving up; how it is the difference between calm and worry. I know that the storms of life will come, it is just so comforting and such a wake-up call to really understand that when we trust in the power of God to take control and let His will be done, life just seems to get a little more “simple.” I pray that whenever those torrents of worry begin to waterfall into my being, I rebuke them as Jesus did the storm, and pray for God to take the worry, take the storm, and let His will be done in my life. After all, I know he truly works all things out for my good (Romans 8:28).

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cue Sappy Boyz II Men 90s Love Song

                Have you ever been in a relationship (friendship, family, love or otherwise) and you just feel completely frustrated with the other person because they just “don’t get it?” Let’s take for example, Annie and Joey. Annie is always leaving Joey sweet notes and telling him how much she appreciates him and Joey is always doing things around the house to help Annie, however, the two of them both feel like they do SO MUCH MORE for the other person. In their views, they are totally expressing their appreciation and gratitude for the other person, but it is not being reciprocated…or so they think. The whole problem is this couple is not speaking each other’s love language. Imagine two people who speak completely different languages get married and are expected to have a successful marriage; that has disaster written all over it. This couple must make the effort to learn their significant other’s native language and speak that tongue in order to make the other person feel loved. The same is said for love languages; we must be aware of our own and aware of others’ love languages in order to have successful relationships.

Watch this clip to get a bit of a synopsis on The Five Love Languages:

                I read the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman a couple of years ago and it was a total eye opener for how I view myself and other people. I was able to understand why in past and current relationships there would be those “bumps” that just would not seem to go away. I understand now why I am attracted to certain people (not just in the romantic sense) that speak my top love languages. Furthermore, I have learned how to become aware of the ways in which those around me feel appreciated and loved and I have to make the conscious effort to show those love signals (i.e. giving a hug to express the love language of physical touch or just doing the dishes for someone to express their love language of acts of service). In addition, it’s funny because I have noticed since I have put forth more effort in “speaking” and showing these different language (words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and gift giving) my love languages have changed over time. For instance, I was never big into physical touch (i.e. a simple pat on the back, hug, etc.) and I have totally adapted that as one of the ways in which I feel loved.  While love language can indeed change, it is encouraging to go through the experience of becoming more fluent in speaking other love languages than just our own. Also, we often speak OUR own personal love languages the best, which is why when that love language isn’t the other person’s manner in which they feel loved, we begin to feel like we are doing all we can and they just don’t appreciate US.
                One more major aspect with understanding and enacting these love languages into my life is the fact that I am able to see how my family members, co-workers, friends, etc. feel valued in order that I may make honest attempts to show my gratitude toward them. I am a total advocate for this book because it teaches us how to better ourselves and our relationships with other people. The best book of all, the Bible, talks all about love…isn’t that what life is really about? After all, what did Jesus say were the two most important commandments: Love God. Love Others (“‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22: 37-39).

Here is a link to take the online quiz to see what your love language is: The Five Love Languages