Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Veggie Burgers and Measuring Tape

This past labor day weekend almost the entire immediate family was in town (minus my sister) so my brother and sister-in-law came over on Sunday night. I absolutely love when we have family dinners; there is definitely never a dull moment. We usually never even end up leaving the dining room table...we just sit there after eating and talk, share stories, laugh, measure how tall we are... Yes, that's right, everyone got to see how tall they were on this past family dinner. It all started because for the last week or so I was convinced I was taller (it turns out I'm not). So we were sitting around the table and I asked my dad if he had measuring tape, he looked at me for a second with that look that says "why do you always ask me random questions?" and said yes it was in the garage. I excused myself from the table, ran and got the tape, and had my mom measure me as the rest of the family looked on in anticipation (ok so that last part might be a bit overstated.) After my mom informed me that I was indeed still 5'6 I jokingly asked, "Alright, who's next?" To my surprise my mom said "I am!" and then one by one we measured the rest of the people at the table. Although this incident may sound somewhat unusual to some of you and I admit it is, I would not trade these eccentric family memories for anything. Its funny how as I get older the more and more I appreciate that precious time I get to spend with my family and how thankful I am to have such amazing people in my life.

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