Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Haven of a Hope-filled Heaven

I had a friend ask me the other night if I thought the people in Heaven would be able to see the people in Hell? He also asked if I thought that the people in Heaven would remember the relationships they had on earth. Furthermore, he asked if say for instance a son went to Hell and his father went to Heaven, would said father just forget about his son suffering in the depths or would he in fact bear witness to this suffering? I sat there for a moment, not quite sure what to say, so I gave the most conclusive answer I could: “You know…I’m really not sure.” So, what do I do when I am not sure about something? I ask questions. I do research.

The first place I traveled on the investigation journey  was to the book of Revelation where it states in Heaven  there will be no tears shed (Revelation 21:4); therefore, if there are no tears shed, how could we experience the grief of witnessing our loved ones in Hell? Also, in regards to the relationships issue, the Bible speaks on the fact that there will no longer be marriage and yet there is evidence to suggest that we will in fact know all the people we have formed relationships with here on earth. We will be brothers and sisters in Heaven, but I think we will be more consumed with the great and mighty God to put any type of former relationship to the forefront of our minds before Him.

(Rev 21:4-5) He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the [former] things ha[ve] passed away.” 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”

The Bible states how the former things will not be remembered or come to mind, but who is to say these former things are former people…former relationships? Who’s to say that these “former things” are not the former sins, the former troubles, the former pains and tribulations of life?

Isaiah 54:4 “Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.”

 Perhaps those things have passed, so that we are consumed with the good and powerful wondrous works of God. Is it possible that we will have memories, but without those that have brought us pain and shame because if we were to embrace those memories, we would not be able to fully accept and indulge in the joyous blessings that encompass all that is Heaven; all that is God? In addition, I had the thought of how when Jesus (who was in fact both man and God in one form) said to the criminal on the cross next to him when he repented of his sins: “Today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:24),” that if this man would recognize Jesus in paradise (who was a man at the time), why would we not recognize those people who have impacted our lives here on earth? 

Jesus spoke how in his Father’s house there are many rooms and he is going to prepare a place for us (John 14:2); therefore, why would someone not want to accept this invitation for Heaven? I could still answer my friend’s questions with “I’m not really sure” because I have no way to have that concrete evidence so many of us hunger for. With no concrete evidence, how could we believe in this “Heaven” or this “God?” The only answer I have for that is simple: Faith. In fact, I believe when we have questions and doubts it allows us to reach deeper into knowing God and getting closer to him; it is like any relationship, in order to fully know the other person, we must ask questions and put questions into our minds to ask that person in order to understand him/her on a deeper level.

I pray this for the people around me and for myself: God, I pray that you will give us glimpses of encouragement throughout our day. I pray that your presence will so fully envelope our hearts and minds that we will know you to a deeper level than we ever knew possible. Please wipe away those fears, doubts, and questions that so inhibit us coming to a full understanding of the love and grace you are so willingly ready to pour out on us. Lord, I pray that you will reveal yourself so clearly to those who need it most and fill them with such peace and healing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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